Provider Directory API

Base URL:

This API is designed to follow the DaVinci PDEX Plan Net 1.1.0 - STU1 implementation guide (IG):

Per DaVinci PDEX Plan Net IG, please refer to the CapabilityStatement (/metadata) for currently available functionality:

Capability Statement

This section describes the expected capabilities of the Plan-Net Server actor which is responsible for providing responses to the queries submitted by the Plan-Net Requestors. This server uses the HTTP Protocol and is compatible with any software that can consume a REST API. The complete list of FHIR profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters supported by Plan-Net Servers are defined. Systems implementing this capability statement should meet the CMS Final Rule requirement for provider directory access. Plan-Net Clients can use the required capabilities to access necessary data based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.


The Health Care Service resource typically describes services offered by an organization/practitioner at a location. The resource may be used to encompass a variety of services covering the entire healthcare spectrum, including promotion, prevention, diagnostics, pharmacy, hospital and ambulatory care, home care, long-term care, and other health-related and community services.


An Insurance Plan resource is a discrete package of health insurance coverage benefits that are offered under a particular network type. A given payer's products typically differ by network type and/or covered benefits. A plan pairs a product's covered benefits with the particular cost sharing structure offered to a consumer. A given product may comprise multiple plans (i.e. each plan offers different cost sharing requirements for the same set of covered benefits).

InsurancePlan describes a health insurance offering comprised of a list of covered benefits (i.e. the product), costs associated with those benefits (i.e. the plan), and additional information about the offering, such as who it is owned and administered by, a coverage area, contact information, etc.


A Location is the physical place where healthcare services are provided, practitioners are employed, organizations are based, etc. Locations can range in scope from a room in a building to a geographic region/area.


A Network refers to a healthcare provider insurance network. A healthcare provider insurance network is an aggregation of organizations and individuals that deliver a set of services across a geography through health insurance products/plans. A network is typically owned by a payer.

In the PlanNet IG, individuals and organizations are represented as participants in a Plan-Net Network through the practitionerRole and Plan-Net-organizationAffiliation resources, respectively.


An organization is a formal or informal grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose, such as a company, institution, corporation, community group, or healthcare practice. Guidance: When the contact is a department name, rather than a human (e.g., patient help line), include a blank family and given name, and provide the department name in


The Organization Affiliation resource describes relationships between two or more organizations, including the services one organization provides another, the location(s) where they provide services, the availability of those services, electronic endpoints, and other relevant information.


Practitioner is a person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare.


Practioner Role describes details about a provider, which can be a practitioner or an organization. When the provider is a practitioner, there may be a relationship to an organization. A provider renders services to patients at a location. When the provider is a practitioner, there may also be a relationship to an organization. Practitioner participation in healthcare provider insurance networks may be direct or through their role at an organization.

Provider Directory API Response Codes

HTTP Response/Exception Codes Response/Exception Code Definition Return Type
200 Success Bundle or Resource
400 Invalid parameter OperationOutcome/Error
404 Unknown resource OperationOutcome/Error

Capability Statement

Retrieve the CapabilityStatement

Syntax: GET [Base URL]/metadata

Interaction Definition Parameter Type Return Type
metadata Capabilities interaction: Returns a CapabilityStatement describing the server's current operational functionality N/A CapabilityStatement

Healthcare Service

Search for HealthcareService

Syntax: GET [Base URL]/HealthcareService?{[parameter=value]}

Supported Searches Search Parameter Definition Parameter Type Return Type
_id Logical ID of the Resource (HealthcareService) Token Bundle
_lastUpdated When the resource (HealthcareService) version last changed Date/DateTime Bundle
location Select HealthcareServices available at the specified location Reference Bundle
coverage-area Select HealthcareServices available at the specified location Reference Bundle
organization Select HealthcareServices provided by the specified organization Reference Bundle
name Select HealthcareServices with the specified name String Bundle
service-category Select HealthcareServices with the specified category Token Bundle

Insurance Plan

Search for InsurancePlan

Syntax: GET [Base URL]/InsurancePlan?{[parameter=value]}

Supported Searches Search Parameter Definition Parameter Type Return Type
_id Logical ID of the Resource (InsurancePlan) Token Bundle
_lastUpdated When the resource (InsurancePlan) version last changed Date/DateTime Bundle
administered-by Select products that are administered by the specified organization Reference Bundle
owned-by Select products that are owned by the specified organization Reference Bundle
name Select products with the specified name String Bundle
plan-type Select plans of the specified type Token Bundle
identifier Select products with the specified identifier Token Bundle
type Select insurance plans of the specified type Token Bundle


Search for Location

Syntax: GET [Base URL]/Location?{[parameter=value]}

Supported Searches Search Parameter Definition Parameter Type Return Type
_id Logical ID of the Resource (Location) Token Bundle
_lastUpdated When the resource (Location) version last changed Date/DateTime Bundle
organization Select Locations managed by the specified organization Reference Bundle
address-city Select Locations with the specified String Bundle
address-state Select Locations with the specified address.state String Bundle
address-postalcode Select Locations with the specified address.postalCode String Bundle
address Select Locations with the specified address String Bundle
type Select Locations of the specified type Token Bundle


Search for Organization

Syntax: GET [Base URL]/Organization?{[parameter=value]}

Supported Searches Search Parameter Definition Parameter Type Return Type
_id Logical ID of the Resource (Organization) Token Bundle
_lastUpdated When the resource (Organization) version last changed Date/DateTime Bundle
partof Select Organizations that are part of the specified organization Reference Bundle
address Select organizations with the specified address (matches any of the string elements of an address) String Bundle
name Select Organizations with the specified name String Bundle
type Select Organizations of the specified type Token Bundle

Organization Affiliation

Search for OrganizationAffiliation

Syntax: GET [Base URL]/OrganizationAffiliation?{[parameter=value]}

Supported Searches Search Parameter Definition Parameter Type Return Type
_id Logical ID of the Resource (OrganizationAffiliation) Token Bundle
_lastUpdated When the resource (OrganizationAffiliation) version last changed Date/DateTime Bundle


Search for Practitioner

Syntax: GET [Base URL]/Practitioner?{[parameter=value]}

Supported Searches Search Parameter Definition Parameter Type Return Type
_id Logical ID of the Resource (Practitioner) Token Bundle
_lastUpdated When the resource (Practitioner) version last changed Date/DateTime Bundle
name Select Practitioners with the specified name (matches against any of the elements in the HumanName data type) String Bundle
family Select Practitioners with the specified family name String Bundle
given Select Practitioners with the specified given name String Bundle

Practitioner Role

Search for PractitionerRole

Syntax: GET [Base URL]/PractitionerRole?{[parameter=value]}

Supported Searches Search Parameter Definition Parameter Type Return Type
_id Logical ID of the Resource (PractitionerRole) Token Bundle
_lastUpdated When the resource (PractitionerRole) version last changed Date/DateTime Bundle

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